New *.pcf files added to SmartMoto and SCout sections of
Added new language packs for Z6:
- R60_G_80.31.15R_LP0024.pcf
- R60_G_80.31.17R_LP0024.pcf
- R60_G_80.31.17R_LP0615.pcf
- R60_G_80.32.0FR_LP0021.pcf
- R60_G_80.32.0FR_LP0032A.pcf
- R60_G_80.32.0FR_LP0034A.pcf
- R60_G_80.32.0FR_LP0039.pcf
- R60_G_80.32.0FR_LP0039B.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.05R_LP002D.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.05R_LP002F.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.05R_LP0031.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.05R_LP0039.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.05R_LP0039B.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.27R_LP0021.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.27R_LP0024.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.27R_LP0039.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.27R_LP0039A.pcf
- R60_G_80.33.44R_LP002EE.pcf
Added new firmware for Z6:
- R60_G_80.31.17R
- R60_G_80.33.05R (Hungary Retail / Balkans Retail SW solving the Chinese SMS issue)
- R60_G_80.33.44R